Sunday 17 May 2015

OUIL402 Studio Brief 3 - Creative Strategy 1

On this project i decided to just keep it simple and try show my first year and what its been like for me from start to finish. 

All the rough drawings i have done to be scanned into the mac and then edited using Photoshop. In photo shop i just change the levels to get the white and black looking like they are flat white and black, i d this as it is the easier to add colour. using the magic wand I select the area then add a new layer to add the colour. 
Photoshop logos

More photoshop logos and a mac computer

Tried to illustrate what the majority of the course looks like on a monday morning, Monday mornings are always the best and quietest days. 
Zombie monday another candidate, i like how this is much more loose in the drawing. 

The building which holds the front entrance to the college. I also put some very basic bubble text on this just to see if it was easier to read then if i spent ages on some fancy letters. 

A few different versions of me for my Little fish contribution t oth efinal 10. 

Scuba Fred, Used the old style scuba gear as it has more character and the new modern diving gear is a lot harder to draw as it holds loads more detail. And if i drew the new gear all wrong i did not want to offend Fred's eyes. 

As matt is know as the horse I spent all of 10 seconds deciding that to best illustrate Matt would just be to draw a horse but a happy horse as thats how matt comes across as a happy guy. 

more scuba diving stuff but the modern equipment, used a sharpie to try add loads of black to cover up any detail i may of missed. I was also going to  put a Darth Vader in as the scuba man as i feel that Fred holds a presence of a dark lord and if he was to take a career break then i recommend that he should consider been a darth look alike.

As the digital print room is better known as the dungeon that is what i was t draw a print room in a dungeon. 
More refind drawings of the different elements for the print dungeons. Turned the printers into subtle beast as i feel it would fit in the image better then just a standard looking printer. 

Fruit as matt always talks about eating more fruit, i feel he may be turning abit hippy. 

When i've been told to do more research all year this is all i see in my head, not books as books are pretty much pure evil with strange combinations of words that make no sense to me. 

Looked at showing the amount of work load we receive in the form of a character called workload been knockout but this clearly very confusing and only I would of understood it so it will be left out.  
Stationery warriors, these are to be used with the other sheets of characters to make up a image of a battle scene which is to represent my battle this he with all iv come up against but with my trusted tools we have come out fairly triumphant.  

More stationery warriors 

This was going to be the journey of me getting to uni everyday and having to commute with the most miserable bunch of commuters that my train seems to be full of every morning. Even tho i knew from the start i was not gong to make this a slide/illustration i knew i wanted to try use the clouds in my battle scene. 
Edited and selected to the drawings im going to keep and work on for my final illustrations. Also these 10 illustrations are also going to be used as my presentation slides . I decided to do this at the very start as i knew i would not have enough time to do double the work i have here. 

These are my final 10 illustration that best represent my first year. 

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