Monday 22 February 2016

Promo stuff

I have a few ways i put my work out as i use social media. I try to keep my art work and personal life separate on social media as i want people to see my drawings not what i had for my dinner.

Recently I  was given a website with the domain i put on all my work which is Livrid, I have used this name for a number of years as I like the fact that it keeps me (sam) anonymous from my work. But as iv been learning recently and been told people like to have a face to put with a name but i don't like people knowing my face. I am coming around to the idea of my face been linked to my work but at present i dont feel like it will make a difference. So anyway on my website iv been given i have had my name put on it. its a very basic web page that just directs you to both my social media pages on facebook and instagram.

I have also used big cartel and tumblr to promote and sell my work on.


And on facebook its

and @livrid on instagram

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