Sunday 15 May 2016

Promo stuff part 2

So i have come up with some new designs and ideas for ideas i can better improve the visual side of my brand and art work.

First off I have been working on the design and layout of my website. recently i have been introduced to Adobe Muse where you can build you own website. Iv had little time to get on and properly explore and work out how the program works yet due to workload issues, but this is something i am very keen to get on and start building my new website. The website i currently have I had no involvement in its construction, so this is something I want to address strait away as I have the domain up and running just with the wrong content at present.

Here are the mock ups I have been working on.

I have tryed to keep the design and content to a minimum just so i can focus on the main information and products and not give myself too much of a challenge went first trying to make a website. I feel that once i have learnt to use the software better and understand what i'm doing I can then start to improve the service my website can offer, such as collaborations, other artist i have worked with, add videos and maybe animated content.

I have just added a selection of designs mocked up  t shirts the ones i am hopefully going to be printing thought the summer. These are some of my favorite designs i have done this year and i sure more will be draw and hopefully printed.

This has been a great task for me as this is where i want my practise to go down the route of making my own clothing designs printing them and selling the end product. Along with this i want to be able to go round a selection of different art fairs to sell my products. After having a stall and a successful weekend the JuJu spectacular a few years ago im very keen to do these kind of fairs again. It wa great for meeting folks who were buying my products and meeting so many different and very talented artist.

Business Cards

I have also come up with a set of new business cards that i want to screenprint myself. I do already have some business cards made but i feel its time they were updated and cleaned up as on my old ones their is a boob and this needs to be removed. So this time i have come up with a set as i want to be able to hand out different designs to people, this could also be a way of giving someone a small piece of my illustration work for free thats why i want to screen print the final copies.

Again I have kept these down to black and white so the cost and production time will be kept to a minimum.

Here are some other illustration i have done that i am still considering whether to use or not as business card and merch designs. I still need to change the contrasts and levels in photoshop to see how the will look properly.

With this sheet of logos i was trying to work out which combination would work best .

This was a skull in a plug hole, did not like the desin once i had scanned it in and played around with it. 

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