Friday 17 March 2017

Meeting Clients

So as part of my other unit OUIL603 i am embarking on some freelance work for a couple who have approached me to do some decals for they camper van. At first this was very daunting for me but once I got into it it was good. It was strange as i continually question my work and have only a certain level of confidence init, but when someone comes to you and ask you to do some of my work for them it turns out they already like the work i already produces and have alot of confidence im my abilities.

VW Camper Van

I was asked to do one of my skulls that featured the name GRUNHILDA and a yorkshire rose somewhere in the design. One for each side of the van, different designs but as a pair.   They wanted these as subtle stickets/decals on the side back panel, just black and white.
I had a meeting wit them once i had put a few different ideas and designs together so they could pick with direction the final designs went in. The meeting went great and between us we came up wit the final idea they want for the van.

Red Beard food and drink

This a recently new project I've been asked to do, Its a guy who is wanting to start up his own food and drinks business selling chutneys, gins and other food products that sound absolutely amazing and i cant wait to help put my stamp on them.
As the products and ingredients are quite unique and seen more as a adults food and drink brand he is wanting some lables for his products to reflect that, none of the over advertised bland crap in jars thats suitable for the whole family stuff, more like skulls and fire and fun with face melting flavours.

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