Thursday 30 March 2017


So to be able to scrennprint my designs and get my brand LIVRID set up  I have got my old screenprinting equipment back together. This will able me to screenprint as and when i need to and to produce products which has been a aim of mine. I want to be able to put my designs n to sellable products such as T-shirts, Prints, Stickers and many other products to try help bring in the pennys. 
This det up is just very basic its set up to be able to print 2 colours but can be easily upgraded to 6 colours but my tiny shed only allows two. To keep this as simple  set up and process as possible keeping the colours to a minimum is vital. Also the images im creating in recent months has manly been black and white so to this is going to help.

This is my high tech printing shed of dreams, rumors have it NASA poached they 1960s space program on this shed ?? Screen printer is set to go.

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