Wednesday 25 February 2015

promotional poster

Band gig posters shout come look at our band with a pretty photo or illustration to grab your attention. The colours are nearly always bright and in your face with nice big bold lettering so you can read it from a far as well, this could work to get your attention then you have to get closer to see the fine a details with normally include dates and venues.
I like this style of poster most as it has a unique quality to it where you know and hope someone has sat down and put a lot of time and effort in making it. This i feel reflects on the band as people who give a dam about a quality poster that is going to give them maximum promotion and hopefully entice them to they gig.

This could very easily be transferred to a self promotional poster for myself or any other illustrator as long as you make a poster that is packed full of attention grabbing you will have peoples attention.

  • Shouts look at me
  • sells you 
  • Hard hitting maximum impact
  • Good use of colour 
  • Do not overload with information just the main points
  • frame can help highlight the main area.