Sunday 23 April 2017

Summative Position Statement

Summative Position Statement 

So I have come along way in the development of my ideas and feel this has been invaluable to me in these later stages of the degree. I have learnt that in order to create a professional standard of work I must continue to develop my ideas by repeating the design over and over but with any changes I feel will improve the final out come. These changes can sometimes be very subtle things such as line quality or could be more significant such as a complete change of subject matter. This has already proved a winner when it comes to customer satisfaction, for example, with the recent brief I have just done for some private clients, the stages of repetition helped me to create a range of different images that they were able to choose from. They where very happy with the choices I gave them to pick from and felt more in control of their design by having choice. This technique I feel is going to help me as I continue to build up my logo and designs for my brand LIVRID and will enable me to have a quality range of designs I can try to sell on and build up a reputation.

I am really going to focus a lot of my time on getting LIVRID going and out in the alternative music, board and lifestyle industries. By producing more then just garments of clothing and applying my designs to other items that can help me get to more potential customers. To showcase my work further I am take these products to markets and events where I can hold a stall and come to face to face with customers. I will continue to update my portfolio and different social media with the work I’m producing in the hope this will reach out to more people seeing my work.

Focusing on my brand will enable me to continue my understanding of screen-printing and develop the confidence to print other people’s work as I feel this could be another source of income that would enable me to build my equipment and knowledge of the medium.

I will also try to get freelance work from more people that want me to design or illustrate their ideas. The fact that I have been approached by several individuals to ask if I would be up for working with them on their projects has shown me that there is a market for my work.

Along side of all of this I am going to have to take on more part time work, which is not ideal but is necessary to have a stable income to contribute towards living costs. That said I am applying for jobs that are in creative environments or places I’m able to continue to network with creative people. So far I have applied to be a shop worker in a paint shop in town and also to a local college to be a technician on they art and design programs.

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